Friday, 14 February 2014

Feeling Blue - Week 9 "Wrap" Up

We've continued to see steady progress this week. We've been partially wrapped, which gives us much more of a sense of light from the windows. I was there at 4pm in the afternoon and am already really glad that we flipped the design so that there are less windows on the West side. The living room was shady and quite cool considering it's still only partially constructed and it was in the middle of the afternoon heat. 

West Side - hardly any windows on this side is already proving to be a good idea. If the side fence doesn't shade the kitchen splashback window we will look at putting an awning or pergola there.

A view without a portaloo for a change!

When Andy called in on his way home last night he saw that the bricks had been delivered so we are on track for brickwork next week. Yay! I'll definitely need to sneak over for a peek this afternoon.

We've been pretty impressed with how regularly they tidy the site. Hopefully that continues as I'm sure that makes things safer and easier for all of the tradies.

Stay tuned for some brickwork action next week!


  1. These guys have to be the most efficient I can recall whilst building a house or extension.
    Lovin the flexible downpipes nice feature :-)
    Dad and Mum.

    1. Thanks Dad. Yeah we're happy with the progress. The flexible downpipes are great, especially when they tear loose and thwack you in the back of the head while you're trying to take a photo. Thankfully they're temporary as yellow isn't really our colour. :)
